Minggu, 28 November 2010

my friend's bdayy

The bday girl was Annyzia Belinda.... She celebrated her bday on Friday night,  November 26th 2010 at Clover Palace, it's a chinnesse restaurant. Anniz is one of my friend that i knew her since my first semester in university.... Now she already 22 years old... and let us wish her always happy,luck and healthy....

First, i really confused about my dress for that dinner.... After that, i choosed that ones, i think it's simple, and i can combine the dress with hairban and necklace.... i really like my necklace... how about youuu??!....

2 komentar:

  1. Funny running into you here, honey
    Promosi kamu ah on my next post
    Keep up the good work
